Pests, Diseases & Plant Problems
August 1, 2022
Searles Gardening Team
What are Target Spot symptoms? (Alternaria solani)
Target spot is a fungal disease that mainly affects the foliage of many members of the Solanacea family such as potatoes, tomatoes and capsicums. It can also be transferred to the tubers of potatoes and occasionally the fruit of others. It is also referred to as 'early blight' on potatoes.
Target spot is most commonly noticed during the shorter and cooler days of Autumn through winter while crops are in a growth period.
Small, dark markings appear within the vein structure of the leaves and over time will become circular. Later the edges of these markings become raised and almost leathery to the touch giving the appearance of a distinct ring around each spot.
Control Target Spot by spraying with Searles Copper Oxychloride.
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